
Conspiracy or Coincidence

Coincidence or Conspiracy!??? “Believe it or not”

Conspiracy is simply a secret plan pleasing the plotters but costing others pain or death. It has very interesting uses:

It is used by some sneeringly, to denigrate those holding an opposing theory. This use became fashionable in the 1960’s Mainstream Money Media [MMM], when the CIA attacked people with facts about President Kennedy’s assassination that contradicted Govt. theory. Some retaliated with, “Don’t dare call it a conspiracy – unless Govt. says it is!”.

Secondly, it has been used by Govt. in the past for its official conspiratorial plots that have later officially or generally, been held to be false or fake – Iraqi WMD, Libya, Yellow Peril, Korea, Vietnam, Chile, El Salvador, Panama and other bogeymen used to justify invasion.

Underlying past and present Govt. conspiracies is a claimed threat from different foreigners at different times who hate Americans, not just their Govt., and who want to kill them – like Big Brother different foreign enemies in George Orwell’s classic book, 1984 & the youtube 1984 film.

Thirdly, Govt. has official conspiracies at present which may be true or lies useful as bogeymen:

Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are not whistleblowers exposing conspiritorial crime, but traitors of worthy Govts. serving all not just a few. The communist threat conspiracy has been replaced by the terrorist
threat conspiracy; godless communists have been replaced by godloving Muslims; the Iraqi weapon threat has been replaced by an Iranian and Korean weapon threat; Assad-Syrian dictatorship claim has replaced the Ho Chi Minh-Vietnam, Gaddafi, Iraqi, dictatorship claims; wars for democracy in South America and Asia have been replaced by wars for democracy in the Middle East & Africa; N. Korea is conspiring to invade countries for material profit, not only for democracy like the USA and Allies have done and continue to do; N.Korea is not testing its missiles for defence against a repeated US-Ally attack but secretly planning [classified evidence for security reasons] foreign invasions; conspiring Govts. of Iran, Syria, N. Korea, Russia and possibly China, are an “axis of evil” [classified evidence] quite unlike Israeli, US and Western ally governments which are non-conspiritorial and only make war to make peace.

Fourthly, there are non-Govt. named conspiracies at present which may be true or lies useful as bogeymen:

the murders of Princess Diana and David Kelly [WMD whistleblower]; the conspiracy to replace the communist bogeyman with the terrorist bogeyman; the conspired inside job for the Twin Tower Trade Center; the conspiracy for the
genocide of Palestineans & demise of Palestine; the Israel-USA coalition conspiracy to control Middle East resources and Govt.; the conspiracy to demonize Muslims; the conspiracy to neglect Israeli nuclear power and oppression; the conspiracy to demonise Russia, Syria, N.Korea, China and Iran: the conspiracy to illegally invade Syria; the Coalition conspiracy to use proxy [ISIS] warfare in Syria; the news suppression conspiracy e.g. not allowing the leaders of
these “terrorist” nations to speak directly to our people via clear English at least once a week for at least 5 minutes – – –

All these 4 types of conspiracies are particular conspiracies, but the 5th type relates to all of these in a general sense. This one, scorned or avoided by Govt., MMM and many people, is the Global Elite Conspiracy

“An elite of about 1% of us, its members known and unknown to us, each devoid of empathy, each wanting a larger share of control within the Elite hierarchy, all secretly planning , mainly to maintain and increase their excessive control with psychopathic pleasure at the cost and pain of others outside the Elite, making it theTERRORIST & its puppet Govt. the ENEMY”.

Here are only some of many facts which are indicative and causal that may be related, linked or “dot-joined’ to form a conspiracy picture valued by conspiracy factualists, rejected by coincidence theorists and rejected officially [to date] by Govt., Govt. Media and MMM:

1a i Excessive wealth is held by a few, excessive poverty is held by many.ii Wealth includes economic and military power e.g. money, mansions and missiles.

b From about 7 billion people about 64% are excessively poor; about 35% include poor, moderately poor, moderately rich, and rich; about 1% are excessively rich.

c Recently the rich-poor gap has either not narrowed or widened.

d Philanthropy could narrow the gap.

e Philanthropy is based on empathy which most humans have – or all humans have to some degree if a degree of empathy is a necessary trait in defining ‘human’.

f Psychopaths have no empathy – and are not humans under one definition but humanoids.

g Philanthropy requires volunteer giving on different principles.

h One principle is “to give until it begins to hurt the giver.”

i Some including psychopaths can, w/o empathetic conscience concern, advertise their philanthropy for personal advantage.

j Psychopaths can gain sadistic pleasure from sufferers begging for relief.

k Psychopaths in the 1% have enormous power over the excessively poor to obtain body parts, feed paedophiliac appetites and to hide any cruel, sadistic or satanic practices.

l i These facts indicate the existance of a very small group or elite that has the potential to use excessive material power for good or evil ends; that it has not chosen to use this power philanthropically and that there are capacity and pleasure indications why it has chosen not to do so.
ii Many humans suffering from awareness of psychopathic cruelty to others, can’t imagine others appearing to be [strictly] human, not sharing this suffering.
iii They find it so hard to imagine that apparent Govt. humans like Blair, Clinton, Albright, Howard, Bush, Cheney, Powell, Netanyahu, Obama, Trump, Trump Twisted Turnbull – – – not suffering from Middle Eastern children being crippled because of lies [even when they see and hear the liars’ expressions after the crippling]. See 8d, m, n, o.

m “By their fruits we shall know them” – evidence above and below may be reasonably linked to show the 1% as psychopaths, and fascist plutocrats, hiding their fruits from many by manipulation

2a Philanthropy is not needed to deal with excess poverty if there is no excessive poverty.

b There are no excessively poor & no excess poverty disease to treat if no excessively rich.

c Philanthropy can be replaced by the principle, “take and give until it hurts noone”.

d Exceptions to this principle would be masochists disappointed by being only poor instead of excessively poor and psychopaths disappointed by being only rich instead of excessively rich.

e This take and give system can function under law.

f Only Govt. can make and control such law.

g No Govt. [National or partially Global] has defined both wealth and poverty excess lines.

h i No Govt. has made excess wealth and excess poverty illegal; but all make excess speed, excess alcohol and excess voting illegal i.e. no legal right here, to be free to choose excess or non-excess. ii Tax avoidance excess may be chosen legally but is an undemocratic choice and Govt. failure.

i No Govt. has an excess wealth tax.

j Govt. has largely failed to stop the excessively wealthy from being the most successful group in avoiding Govt. taxes.

k The excessively wealthy benefit from monopoly in business.

l Govt. has largely failed in irradicating monoply which is increasing Globally.

m No need to treat disease from excessive personal wealth, if no excessive personal wealth exists.

n The above Govt. omission and failure facts could point to acausal manipulation between the 1% group and Govt. or could be only coincidences.

3a Govt.can be controlled by democracy or manipulated by plutocracy, nationally or on a world scale.

b The excessively rich in the people’s home Govt. can be the enemy of the people if this elite is a tyrannical plutocracy – note the U.S.A people’s “right to bear arms”. See also 8 m.

c i Named democracies legally allowing an excessively rich elite to exist and which may or may not choose to act as a plutocracy, are not democracies. See 2h. 
ii Some will reject this aware of the conflict, but comfortable with the rejection if it is socially fashionable to do so, and socially uncomfortable not to do so i.e. cognitive dissonance. See 1984 thoughtcrime.
iii Fewer see no conflict in a democracy being also a non-democracy i.e Orwell’s doublethink.

d i It is possible that all or most Govts. are plutocratic rather than democratic due to the sufficient exercise of plutocratic control i.e. majority control in plutocratic hands. 
ii This majority control can be applied in capitalistic, socialistic, communistic and theocratic systems.
iii Benevolent & Fascist Plutocracy are ‘of the people’ in a National Govt. or a World Govt. 
iv This majority control can be Benevolent mainly serving the people [but not a democracy because democracy requires ‘by the people’] or Fascist, mainly serving an Elite i.e. not ‘for the people’

v Fascist Govt. can gain majority control to benefit its Elite via manipulated avenues such as: income, asset and tax distribution; centralization; slavewage product trade; longer working hours and lives [also wearying attentive energy – see 9]; child institutionalisation; speech, film and written communication outlets and venues; school curriculum; medical standards; over-population via migration – see 5c; puppet politician bribery; camera surveillance; war contracts; currency creation; tax havens; presidential secret arrest and killing power; vaccine control; food treatment control; food labelling; ‘national security emergency ‘ laws controlling citizens. Most of these are perhaps a little distant from the general public’s understanding and experience. If so, it is to Fascist Govt. advantage.

vi Avenues in the hands of the general public under a Fascist Govt. [officially unnamed as such and not 100% fascist], include free speech; free to bear arms; free house choice; free school choice; free to or not to, produce children; freedom of assembly; free doctor choice; free voting; inexpensive and unbridled access to and comment on, the internet [now changing under “hate”, “terrorist” and “emergency” See 12 c].

e i Politicians forming Govt. come mainly from political parties. 
ii These can have Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee policies [“opposames” of shallow difference & major issue avoidance by silence or lies about intention – Trump] suiting an Elite.

f Parties can be funded openly or secretly from excessive wealth.

g Excessive wealth can own and/or control the MMM.

h MMM and Govt. Media can give little space to, or belittle certain parties and independents.

i MMM can and has banned certain paid political advertisements for radio and press which are both unfavourable to the 1% and legal.

j Govt. Media can and has banned legal talkback unfavourable to the 1% [e.g.the ABC-Faine banning of Protector Party Secretary].

k Most electors tend to vote for representatives mainly on the basis of information received from MMM and Govt. Media [this has changed a little – Brexit, Trump, Le Pen].

4a Elected politicians aware of how MMM and Govt. Media influenced their election are aware of how this influencial power can be used against them for lack of cooperation with this power.

b The easiest elected politicians for an Elite to control are those that don’t question excessive wealth or global control, are bland and have some weakness they wouldn’t want exposed by an Elite such as family troubles or paedophilia and who are easily manipulated by Gentile or Jewish cults.

c Retiring politicians can and have first signed trade and construction contracts for Elite benefit in return for Elite employment.

d 3 and 4 above demonstrate how existing political structure can facilitate plutocratic fascist manipulation of puppet politicians by an Elite’s bribery carrot and an Elite’s threatening stick.

5a I Wars can and have taken place because of fake conspiracy threatsmanufactured by Govt. 
ii Present wars may be also based on deceit not yet publicly revealed. 
iii Seymour Hersh, Brandon Turbeville and some US Intelligence Agents state that Obama’s and Trump’s bombing of Syrian citizens and national assets on the basis of Assad gassing his own people was a completely false basis, and was for a regime change. See 11 m. 
iv An AMAZING fact is Govt., Govt. Media, MMM & many of the Public, acceptance of this threat as not being yet another fake, even when in addition, Trump refuses to supply any evidence because “it is classified”. [At least the WMD faker Colin Powell, held up a vial at the U.N.!] 
v These same acceptors accept the pestering of ONE Congress woman actually demanding this evidence before considering any approval for war. [Surely the1984 mind-set is here?]

b Wars can be declared, secret, proxy, legal or illegal invasions. [By “Govt.” not “the people”.]

c These wars involve death, human crippling, mass migration & trauma chaos for many non-elite.

d i These wars involve weaponry supplies, war reconstruction, regime change, Balkanization and resource control via taxpayer money, which mainly benefits the excessively wealthy. ii They also involve chaos giving opportunity to any powerful group to form a New World Order out of this chaos – see David Icke facts on ‘problem reaction solution‘.

e President Eisenhower warned of the power of the Military-Industral-Complex controlling Govt.

f President Kennedy warned, “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence – – “.

g Eisenhower said it on his retirement after 8 years in office.

h Eisenhower never repeated it and the MMM, Govt. and Govt. Media have rarely repeated it.

i Kennedy said it before he was shot and the MMM, Govt. and Govt. Media have rarely repeated it.

j The David Rockefeller confession broke the secret of his part in a cabal conspiring for World Govt.

k No other from the excessively rich has made a similar confession.

l Coincidence Theorists and those in Govt., Govt.Media and MMM may accept, or may even publicly discuss, the Global Elite Conspiracy, if a certain number of the excessively wealthy make similar confessions publicly! 

6a Banking businesses can make for excessive wealth.

b Private licence to create unearned money in the form of credit, lend it and receive it back with interest in earned money from the borrower, is an AMAZINGprivilege.

c Private elite bankers are granted such licences by Govt.

d Many economists question whether bankers are Govt. controlled or vice versa.

e Thomas Jefferson warned, “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.”

f He further warned of EXTREME danger in allowing private banks to control the issue of currency.

g Lincoln and Kennedy actually began stopping this licence control.

h Both Presidents were shot and no President since has begun stopping or even questioning this massively profitable National and Global control.

i Banking ignorance today has greater social impact than did spherical Earth ignorance.

j 5 and 6 facts if true, are explosive. They show how manipulated war and banking by corrupt Govt. and Elite can cause empowerment of Global Conspiracy and how 5 authoritative men by word and/or action, and how many men by inaction, indicate that such evil conspiracy has existed and still does exist – or the linkages of these facts to such an evil conspiracy are only coincidental.

7a Centralized global power weakens National power.

b It is easier for a Global Elite to control one Govt. than many.

c Both public and private transfer of power from National Govt. to Global Control is ongoing.

d Protected National product and National trade under strong National Govt., favours Global Elite manufacturers less than unprotected pr0duct and trade.

e Unfree slavewage product profits Elite manufacturers more than free non-slavewage product.

f Unfree product freely traded profits Elite traders more than free product freely traded.

g Globalization of product manufacturing and Globalized trading of it, would suit a plan/plot/agenda of the 1% for increased wealth.

h Near-monopoly retailing of product, onshore and offshore, benefits centralized excess power.

i i Centralized oil control benefits excessively rich cartels.
ii Many Coincidence Theorists, accept Elite Conspirators here, from different countries – often with Govts. publicly hostile to each other!

j Increasing moves- in small steps – towards World Govt., World Trade, World Currency, World Central Bank, World Microchipping and World Army, make for a centralization pleasing to a ruling Elite – see David Icke facts in ‘tiptoe totalitarianism‘.

k Mass migration helps de-nationalization divide culturally, for globalist conquering – Germany, Sweden, Holland, Canada, Australia.

8a The official Govt. and MMM explanation of the Twin Tower Disaster of 9/11/2001 is called a Coincidence Theory by those believing they are Conspiracy Factualists.

b i This horrific disaster on a Pearl Harbour scale [see 11 k], gave Govt. an excuse or valid reason to begin wars in the Middle East and political attacks against Muslims. 
ii The Military-Industrial-Complex benefited and is benefiting, from these wars.

c i It is possible that Govt. lied again about an outside conspiracy job. 
ii A Govt. inside job is possible similar to Big Brother’s inside jobs to create threat, fear and anger as in Orwell’s 1984.

d Not just the same Govt. but the same Governors, who lied about the Iraqi Conspiracy, widely published their conspiracy version of the disaster for public consumption.

e Many engineers and researchers give evidence of an inside job on the Internet Media [ I M ].

f Nazi fascist elitists claim to be of a Gentile race above Jews. See Mein Kampf.

g Zionist fascist elitists claim to be of a Jewish race above Gentiles. See Talmud.

h Nazi fascist elitists seek excessive power over Jew and Gentile wearing the badge of Nationalism to gain assistance and protection.

i Zionist fascist elitists seek excessive power over Jew and Gentile wearing the badge of Judaism to gain assistance and protection.

j Fascist Govt. will LIE to its community [national, sectarian/religious, economic] if it suits its elitist agenda.

k i Examples are Germany – Reichstag inside job bombing; Chile – Pinochet; Russia – Stalin: USA – Nixon, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump; Israel – Netanyahu; Britain – Blair; Australia – Howard, Turnbull; Heath over the EEC; Cameron over the EU; – – – 
ii Many bogans take these lies as exceptions to the rule or as of very little life impact, rather than as straws showing a very life impacting direction of a wind.

l Nationalistic [Germany, USA], Sectarian [Muslim, Jewish, Catholic] and Economic [EEC, EU] communities, can be conditioned/’brainwashed’ from birth, by their ruling Govt./Sect/’Thinktank’ systems, to accept their rulers as basically empathetic, honest [if with excusable white lies] and righteous servants of the people.

m i These communities generally find any suggestion that their ruling system is basically flawed, very hard to accept.
ii Generally they feel patriotic, loyal, committed and trusting toward their ruling systems.

n For these communities to contemplate that their ruling system has neared [or reached] Orwell’s 1984 level of flaw, would require for most of them, a commitment greater than was required of those questioning the flatness
of the earth.

o These communities can blind themselves to even contemplating their rulers seriousy lying to them, and even when these communities find their rulers have lied, their basic faith in and commitment to, Govt., generally remains – perhaps because of laziness, wearyness from excessive work/family commitment or cognative dissonance. See 3 c.

p Jewish* Alan Sabrosky, gives evidence on the Internet [youtube] of Zionist Israeli security control, financial benefit, political motive, opportunity for controlled demolition, demolition expertise and social delight – ‘Dancing Israelis’. See also 11 k. 
* It is of vital importance in today’s society of political correctness to grasp with fearless confidence, that Judaism is NOT Zionism so a Jew is not a Zionist – anymore than a German being a Nazi. Globally one can find people claiming to be Christians, Jews, Muslims, Americans, Australians, Saudi Arabians – – – who are indeed fascists of the Zionist or Nazi type – but prefer to hide behind national or religious terms.

q Engineers and witnesses support the controlled demolition explanation – scientific evidence and the hearing of secondary explosions.

r The US Govt. and MMM are very closely linked to a small number of excessively wealthy and politically powerful Zionists [both Jewish and Christian claimants e.g. vice-president Joe Biden].

9 a i A Global Elite benefits from public perception and opinion not being focused on it.

ii Our directed attentionabsorbs the quantity and quality of our productive energy.

b i MMM suppresses evidence on and discussion of, a Global Elite existence.
ii And its Media “freedom” channels disallow “democracy” hearing direct opinions and evidence from its declared “evil enemy” leaders – Putin, Assad and from Iran, N. Korea,China; preferring U.S.A. Governors/Administrators to act as their spokepersons. [Ronnie Raygun says that with U.S. history of foreign invasions since 1776, compared with all other Eastern Nations, the U.S. knows foreigners better than they know themselves.]

c MMM, Govt. Media and Govt. politicians may concentrate on less substantive issues, perhaps – politician’s careers, personality attacks, race and religious institutional divisions, hand-outs to the excessively poor, growth in un-named jobs, policy differences of 2%, same-sex marriage – – –

d There is general media suppression of discussion of the Zionist Elite whether regarded as being within a Global Elite Conspiracy or not. [Assad putting his case on your TV? Abbas? Hamas? Kim Jong-on? Iranian Leader?]

e It is fashionable in the Non-Internet Media to call those wanting open discussion of Zionism, or its control of U.S Govt., economy & military aid, ‘Racist’ or ‘Anti-Semitic’.

f The Non-Internet Media encourages the use of ‘Anti-Semitic’ as meaning ‘Anti-Jew’ when the definition of Semitic clearly includes Arabs who form by far the most populous group among Semites.

g Media communication is further confusing attention clarity by encouraging anti-Zionism to mean anti-Judaism. See Newspeak in1984.

h Only some Jews are Zionists and only some Zionists are Jews. See Icke and John Pilger.

i Many Jews detest Zionism and publicly protest against it with colourful placards etc.

j Non-Internet Media rarely shows photographs of Jews protesting against Zionism.

k The above shows that matters of substance like excess wealth, plutocracy, war profiteers, private currency creation, centralization, slavewage imports, fascism, zionism and inside-job evidence, largely escape public attention and thus public energy – as escapes any body to which these tentacles may be attached; such as a conspiritorial fascist global elite [“Oh no, that’s absurd” says Ronnie Raygun awakening from his nap].

10 a Some Conspiracy Factualists point to evidence they believe is not coincidental in the deaths of those claimed to be harmful to the Global Elite Plan or Agenda.

b Examples apart from Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy are Princess Diana and David Kelly [WMD whistleblower].

c David Kelly spoke out against the British Govt’s “sexing up of the WMD threat”.

d David’s death was officially found to be ‘suicide’ – his wife saw no good reason for this finding, but knew of David’s awareness of Govt. displeasure.

e Diana’s death was officially found to be ‘accident’ – she was not taken to the nearest hospital; the surveillence cameras ‘coincidentally’ failed; the car was not allowed to be independently examined for remote control equipment; her bodyguard’s fastened seatbelt and silence – – –

f Diana publicly opposed the MIComplex production of land mines and spoke of the coldbloodedness/unempathetic Royal Family members, calling them reptilean.

g Bobby Kennedy was a likely President following in the policy steps of his brother – he was shot.

h John Kennedy’s only son was officially found to have died in a plane ‘accident’.

i So many song writers whose opinions would go against the plan of a Fascist Elite, have died young and violently e.g. John Lennon.

j Lee Harvey Oswald under police protection, wanting to give ‘patsy’ evidence in court, was shot.

k Outspoken critic of American rulers, journalist Michael Hastings 33, died in a car crash.

l These deaths could be caused by contracts to get rid of popular and influential people expressing opinions dangerous for a Global Elite agenda – or could be just coincidences.

11 a Regime change can benefit excess and elitism.

b There are so many regime changes made within sovereign nations by foreign Govts. using invasion [open and secret], Media support and proxy army support. These regimes include South and Central American, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Indonesian, Iranian, Egyptian, Afghanistan, Libyan, Iraqi – – –

c Brandon Turbeville of Activist Post asks if the recent terrorist train bombing in Russia is another Foreign Govt. backed Elite thrust at the Putin regime’s helping Assad to defeat enemies within his sovereign nation. The Foreign Govt. Coalition, illegally invading Syria, and financing its mercenaries wants to get rid of the non-puppet Assad. This Coalition receives much help from Fascist Saudi Arabia and Zionist Israel.

d Fascist Govts. in a Coalition of the Killing benefit Elitism, if this killing results in a regime change making a sovereign state into a puppet state.

e This Coalition can grow into a unified World Fascist State controlled by an Elite – as with Big Brother, and his cameras, real threats and manufactured enemies.

f Fascist Govt. heeds no law.

g The Fascist German Govt. invaded Poland against the law claiming asTRUTH, “to Protect Germany”.

h i The Fascist USA Govt. is invading Syria against the law claiming as TRUTH, “to Protect Syrians and America”.
ii And helps its fascist, invading friends – Zionist Israel Govt. and Extremist Saudi Govt.
iii And does so with puppet Govt. permitted impunity e.g. Australia, Britain, Germany, France.

i There is nothing new about USA Govt. contempt for the law, its excessive missile wealth, its proven history as a LIAR, its elite or its excessive power as a law breaker, but Coalition Govts, and MMM play a blank tune for this ugly head of their facist Coalition.

j Many citizens are conditioned to feel uncomfortable calling USA Govt. and its willing or puppet Coalitionists, FASCIST. See 3 c ii.

k One year before 9/11 the powerful Project for a New American Century [PNAC] founded by two Zionists, planned for regime change after a “new Pearl Harbour” [see 8 b].

l Fascist Govt. would have you believe they are the good guys or good terrorists, using terror to kill the bad terrorists.

m Fascist Govt. would have you believe they are saddened by the crippling of “beautiful babies”, but that such collateral damage is necessary for democracy; that the war on terrorism must be continued by good terror; and that that bad terrorist, thrice elected Assad, who pours gas on his people is no longer electable. [Ronnie Raygun, before he dozes off whispers, “And please don’t say this is absurd – my Govt. never tells fibs”.]

12a The horrific slaughter of Syrian children and their parents, and the immense destruction of their infrastructure, continues, creating a chaos for a new order of puppetry. Russian and Iranian assistance with sovereign Syrian approval frustrates this chaos growth a little, while billions of us are either spectators or silent. The genocide against the Palestinean people continues. Never has the wake-up call from Orwell and Icke been so in need of being heeded. Never has a hideous World War 3 been so close. N.B. The beginning of the 1984 film on youtube is dramatic.

b The GOOD news is that more and more join the ranks of the millions of thoughtful Activists and Intellectuals while desperate Govt. throws blatant, fearmongering lies.

c ‘But hurry’ opine many highly qualified and respected researchers:
The Tiptoe Totalitarian slippers have finished their task. Trump the new liar, has published another threat, and following a World War for the problem-reaction-solution plot, the steel tipped jack boots await mission accomplished by the Global Elite for a World Facist State. The Globalchaos Elite, still awaiting its planned chaos for its Order, is manipulating its Fascist Govt Coalition to prepare us for the invocation of WW3 emergency powers – – – NOW!!! – – – perhaps a destruction of N.Korea [which is invading nobody unlike “the Coalition of Evil”], in order to establish a Coalition base to invade China??
.See 3d vi

d The above is perhaps just a quick, attempted paraphrasing of some of the more detailed writings of highly qualified and experienced writers. If the reader is not yet convinced of a Global Elite Conspiracy, but is not a confirmed Coincidence Theorist, there are dozens of other facts from David Icke, Activist Post, Seymour Hersh, John Pilger & so many other researchers, independent of Non-Internet Media, BUT: your Governmentwould have you believing in there NOT being a conspiritorial Global Elite – so should we, “BELIEVE GOVERNMENT or NOT“?

e Anyway, once alerted to Global Elite Conspiracy evidence, honesty and reasoning, it is so interesting to compare Govt., evidence, honesty and reasoning on domestic and foreign events – before we make a judgement.

f Following past Govt. patsies [ false flags, scapegoats – the guilty Identifying its attack as being by an innocent is a false flag] such as Ho Chi Minh, Bay of Tonkin, Allende, Noriega, Ortega, WMD – – – , what is the probability – even forgetting the conflicting evidence – that the Las Vegas pain and death shooting makes Stephen Paddock yet another Govt. patsy? If it is high, who would benefit from the majority of us not believing in such a false flag? Recent Israeli false flags [like its past “Liberty” ship attack killing American sailors] are to get the USA to wage war on Iran.