Begrudged Media retractions of DEMONISATION, but only after my very expensive year of court action for DEFAMATION settlements:

Yes – – – I simply interpret Judaism like other Christian Jews do [free of this boringly overplayed term “anti-Semitic”] like Jesus and David Suchet [Agatha Christie’s Poirot]


Policies for the Up-coming Federal Election:

1. Excess Wealth Tax: on democratically defined levels of Excess Net-worth e.g. a lowest defined level of $50 million.

2. Debate [T.V. Govt.]: that evidence indicates with strong probability that a mainly conspiratorial Global Few  with Excess Wealth and Psychopathy, control the Global Many via the increasing and unchecked centralising of wealth and technology power.

3. Australia Post Bank: Stop betrayal of our Australia Post, and also establish it as our sovereign bank using its wide local branch structure for client access; providing a peoples-bank competition for private banks and for preventing banking cartels.

4. Foreign Policy: all income earned by foreign landlords from Australian natural resources to be spent within the Australian economy; all military bases in Australia to have no foreign control to avoid them being targeted by enemies of dangerous allies .

5. Domestic Manufacturing Growth: Grow our very weak manufacturing sector as we did successfully in the past by protecting it from unfree trade like imported slave-labour products and betrayal of our sovereignty.

6. Protection for Organic Food: Support our organic food production by taxing non-organic food production here and from abroad.

7. Immigration: None [except in special cases of mercy] while our births exceed our deaths and while our wealth per head depends basically on natural resource sales.

Some Policy Detail:

  1. Reasons are firstly, to mitigate taxation for those of us below the lowest defined level of Excess Net-worth, and secondly, to mitigate potential for Excess Wealth Control to be used for Excess Political Control over such things as Information from T.V. & Social Media, Censorship of “mis-information”, Political Parties, Drugs, War Profit, and AI.
  2.   This Few often referred to by many citizens as, 1%, Global [Financial] Elite, Deep State  or similar Orwellian terms. They claim to be Conspiracy Factualists but Media   contemptuously calls them Conspiracy Theorists. Questions: Is it time we publicly faced it? Will we accept Media sneering and silence on this basic issue; or say meekly, “It has always been thus”, “Nothing can be done”, “They give a lot to charity”. Facts:[a] Excess Poverty enormous and increasing [b] Middle Class wealth declining [c] war & drug [legal & illegal] profits for the few are increasing [d] these facts could be by accident or design [e] psychopaths [rich and poor] have no empathy as humanoids [f] psychopaths can obtain sadistic pleasure without feeling guilt causing pain to humans [g] the decline in National sovereignty to benefit Centralised sovereignty [h] the increase in official global threats and demand for Centralised Control [i] the history of Govt global threats being official conspiracy lies e.g. Vietnam’s Yellow Peril, Iraq’s WMD [j] National and Global Govt may have stopped lying and  their present Global threats from disease and warming needing centralised control may not be lies [k] Centralised power benefits from One-party States [see Corruption Cartoon] not opposing it [l] the impossibility for democratic control [“by the people”] to exist with excess wealth control for the few [m] conspirators are mainly secretive but the Many have been brazenly told, “You will own nothing and be happy” [n] the increase in censorship of free speech [o] centrally controlled AI algorithms making free speech lack free reach [p] fractional reserve banking [q] Centralised control of banking by the BIS, a private, unelected, unaccountable & secretive few [r] without any private credit creation, all money can be created by our Treasury, debt-free and interest-free based solely on the credit and creativity of our Nation.  Debate on all this may clarify if probability indicates coincident or design. 
  3. See Bank Rebirth.
  4. See Malcom Fraser’s book, “Dangerous Allies”.
  5. See Constitution.